Sunday, March 1, 2020

Edit And Delete

Edit and delete 
Write and start again  
I’m full of words
And none are for you 

At the start you were something 
Special yet you haven’t been
If I could hit rewind 
I’d never watch this play out.  

I’m aware of your potential greatness
As much as I aware of your weakness. 
Our lives are embedded in the internet
I’m ready to hit ctl

Edit and delete 
Write and start again  
I’m full of words
And none are for you 

You could have been more than this 
Someone who could lift us up 
You’re describing a hero 
Someone that I can not do 

What could be and could not be right now. 
Despite everything there is this last chance 
Out lives are a circumstance of this and I 
Am ready to hit ctl. 

Edit and delete 
Write and start again  
I’m full of words
And none are for you 

Delete it and re-edit 
Finding words I want to say
The bitterness
Despite you I

Edit and delete 
Write and start again  
I’m full of words
And none are for you 

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